Cuando leì en JDZ que johnny esta nominado a los Grammys en la categoria 89 por Gonzo me quede compleatemente petrificada xd (? , ya que anteriormente me fije en otras paginas los nominados ¡y no estaba! , pero como sabran casi siempre se dan a conococer los nominados mas ... "importantes" para decir de algun modo ( bueno tambien hay que pensar que son en total 109 categorias y todas en algun programa de tv o revista no la van a mostrar, jajaja ¡pensar que eso recien hoy lo descubri!). Asi que aqui les dejo la nominacion completa en donde se encuentra johnny, sacado de la pagina oficial de los Grammys
Category 89
Best Album Notes
•The Complete Louis Armstrong Decca Sessions (1935–1946)
Dan Morgenstern, album notes writer (Louis Armstrong)
[Mosaic Records]
•Dance-O-Mania: Harry Yerkes And The Dawn Of The Jazz Age, 1919–1923
Mark Berresford, album notes writer (The Happy Six)
[Rivermont Records]
•Gonzo: The Life And Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson — Music From The Film
Douglas Brinkley & Johnny Depp, album notes writers (Various Artists)
[Legacy Recordings]
•My Dusty Road
Ed Cray & Bill Nowlin, album notes writers (Woody Guthrie)
•Origins Of The Red Hot Mama, 1910–1922
Lloyd Ecker & Susan Ecker, album notes writers (Sophie Tucker)
[Archeophone Records]
Category 89
Best Album Notes
•The Complete Louis Armstrong Decca Sessions (1935–1946)
Dan Morgenstern, album notes writer (Louis Armstrong)
[Mosaic Records]
•Dance-O-Mania: Harry Yerkes And The Dawn Of The Jazz Age, 1919–1923
Mark Berresford, album notes writer (The Happy Six)
[Rivermont Records]
•Gonzo: The Life And Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson — Music From The Film
Douglas Brinkley & Johnny Depp, album notes writers (Various Artists)
[Legacy Recordings]
•My Dusty Road
Ed Cray & Bill Nowlin, album notes writers (Woody Guthrie)
•Origins Of The Red Hot Mama, 1910–1922
Lloyd Ecker & Susan Ecker, album notes writers (Sophie Tucker)
[Archeophone Records]